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Goal-Based Investing Strategies: how to Maximizing Returns in Options Trading

Goal-based investing is an investment approach that involves setting specific goals and objectives and then designing an investment portfolio that is aligned with those goals.

The goal-based approach takes into account various factors such as risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns, among others, to create a portfolio that is tailored to meet the specific needs of the investor. In this blog post, we will explore how it can be applied to options trading.

Goal-based investing is an investment approach that focuses on the specific financial goals of an individual or an institution. Unlike modern portfolio theory (MPT), which is a more traditional investment approach that emphasizes diversification and risk management, goal-based investing starts with identifying the investor’s goals and then tailoring the investment strategy to achieve those goals.

Why goal-driven investing is better than MPT

There are several reasons why this results focused investing can be a better approach than MPT. Here are some of the key reasons:

  1. Focus on the investor’s needs and goals

One of the primary advantages of goal-based investing is that it focuses on the investor’s specific needs and goals. Rather than simply aiming for the highest possible returns, goal-based investing starts with understanding what the investor wants to achieve and then developing a customized investment strategy that is designed to meet those goals. This can help investors stay on track and avoid making impulsive investment decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.

  1. Better alignment of risk and return

Another advantage of goal-based investing is that it can help align the risk and return of an investment portfolio with the investor’s goals. For example, if an investor’s primary goal is to generate income to support their retirement, a goal-based investment strategy might focus on generating consistent income from high-quality dividend-paying stocks, bonds, and other income-generating assets. This approach can help the investor achieve their income goals while minimizing the risk of losing principal.

  1. More flexibility and adaptability

Goal-based investing also offers more flexibility and adaptability than MPT. Because the investment strategy is tailored to the investor’s specific goals, it can be adjusted over time as those goals change. For example, if an investor’s goal shifts from generating income to growing their wealth, their investment strategy can be adjusted to reflect that change. This flexibility can help investors stay on track and avoid being locked into an investment strategy that is no longer appropriate for their needs.

  1. Greater transparency and accountability

Goal-based investing can also offer greater transparency and accountability than MPT. Because the investment strategy is focused on specific goals, it is easier to measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. This can help investors stay engaged with their investments and make more informed decisions.

In summary, goal-based investing can be a better approach than modern portfolio theory for investors who want to achieve specific financial goals. By focusing on the investor’s needs and goals, aligning risk and return, offering more flexibility and adaptability, and providing greater transparency and accountability, goal-based investing can help investors achieve better outcomes over the long term.

How to apply goal based investing to options trading

To apply goal-based investing to options trading, we need to start by identifying our goals and objectives. This could include things such as:

  • Generating a certain level of income
  • Achieving a specific rate of return
  • Hedging against market risk
  • Speculating on price movements

What are the best strategies?

Once we have identified our goals and objectives, we need to design an options trading strategy that is aligned with those goals. This could involve a range of different strategies, such as:

  1. Covered call writing: This strategy involves selling call options on a stock that is already owned. The goal is to generate income from the premiums received from selling the options.
  2. Protective put buying: This strategy involves buying put options on a stock that is already owned. The goal is to protect against a decline in the stock’s price.
  3. Long straddle/strangle: This strategy involves buying both call and put options on the same underlying asset with the same expiration date. The goal is to profit from a significant price movement in either direction.
  4. Iron condor: This strategy involves selling both a call and put option at a certain strike price and buying a call and put option at a higher and lower strike price, respectively. The goal is to profit from a range-bound market.
  5. Calendar spread: This strategy involves buying and selling options with different expiration dates. The goal is to profit from a change in the options’ time value.

These are just a few examples of the many different options trading strategies that can be used to achieve specific goals and objectives.

When designing an options trading strategy, it is important to take into account various factors such as risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns.

For example, a trader with a low risk tolerance may opt for a protective put buying strategy, while a trader with a higher risk tolerance may opt for a long straddle/strangle strategy.

It is also important to monitor and adjust the options trading strategy as market conditions change. For example, if the market becomes more volatile, it may be necessary to adjust the strategy to protect against potential losses.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the options trading strategies mentioned above:

Covered call writing

Covered call writing is a popular options trading strategy that involves selling call options on a stock that is already owned. The goal is to generate income from the premiums received from selling the options.

This strategy is often used by investors who own a stock and want to generate additional income without selling the stock. By selling call options, investors can receive a premium in exchange for giving up the potential upside on their stock if the stock price goes above the strike price of the call option.

For example, let’s say that you own 100 shares of XYZ stock, which is currently trading at $50 per share. You believe that the stock is unlikely to go above $55 per share in the next few months, but you still want to generate some additional income from your investment.

You could sell a call option on your XYZ stock with a strike price of $55 and an expiration date in a few months. If the stock price remains below $55, the option will expire worthless, and you will keep the premium received for selling the option. However, if the stock price goes above $55, the buyer of the option will exercise their right to buy the stock at the $55 strike price, and you will miss out on any further upside above $55.

This strategy can be a good option for investors who want to generate additional income from their stock holdings while minimizing the risk of selling their stock at a lower price. However, it is important to note that this strategy does not eliminate the risk of owning the stock, and investors should be prepared for potential losses if the stock price declines.

Protective put buying

Protective put buying is an options trading strategy that involves buying put options on a stock that is already owned. The goal is to protect against a decline in the stock’s price.

This strategy is often used by investors who are concerned about potential losses in their stock holdings but do not want to sell their stock. By buying put options, investors can protect their stock holdings against potential declines in price. If the stock price declines, the put option will increase in value, offsetting some or all of the losses in the stock.

For example, let’s say that you own 100 shares of XYZ stock, which is currently trading at $50 per share. You are concerned that the stock price may decline in the next few months, but you do not want to sell your stock. You could buy a put option on your XYZ stock with a strike price of $45 and an expiration date in a few months. If the stock price declines below $45, the put option will increase in value, offsetting some or all of the losses in the stock.

This strategy can be a good option for investors who want to protect their stock holdings against potential losses while maintaining their exposure to potential gains. However, it is important to note that buying put options can be expensive, and investors should be prepared for potential losses if the stock price does not decline as expected.

Long straddle/strangle

Long straddle and long strangle are options trading strategies that involve buying both call and put options on the same underlying asset with the same expiration date. The goal is to profit from a significant price movement in either direction.

The main difference between the two strategies is the strike price of the options. In a long straddle, both the call and put options are bought at the same strike price, while in a long strangle, the call and put options are bought at different strike prices.

For example, let’s say that you believe that XYZ stock is going to experience a significant price movement in the next few months but you are not sure whether the price will go up or down. You could use a long straddle strategy by buying a call option and a put option on the XYZ stock with a strike price of $50 and an expiration date in a few months. If the stock price goes above $50, the call option will increase in value, and if the stock price goes below $50, the put option will increase in value, allowing you to profit from the price movement in either direction.

This strategy can be a good option for investors who expect a significant price movement in the underlying asset but are not sure whether the price will go up or down. However, it is important to note that this strategy can be expensive, and investors should be prepared for potential losses if the price does not move as expected.

Iron condor

Iron condor is an options trading strategy that involves selling both a call and put option at a certain strike price and buying a call and put option at a higher and lower strike price, respectively. The goal is to profit from a range-bound market where the underlying asset remains within a certain price range.

For example, let’s say that you believe that XYZ stock will remain range-bound between $45 and $55 over the next few months. You could use an iron condor strategy by selling a call option with a strike price of $55 and buying a call option with a strike price of $60. At the same time, you would sell a put option with a strike price of $45 and buy a put option with a strike price of $40. If the stock price remains between $45 and $55, all four options will expire worthless, and you will keep the premium received for selling the options. If the stock price goes above $55 or below $45, you will incur losses on the options that you sold, but these losses will be partially offset by the options that you bought.

This strategy can be a good option for investors who expect the underlying asset to remain range-bound over a certain period but are not sure about the direction of the price movement. However, it is important to note that this strategy can also be expensive, and investors should be prepared for potential losses if the price breaks out of the range.


Goal-based investing can be applied to options trading by aligning investment objectives with options strategies. The four strategies discussed in this article can help investors achieve different investment goals, such as generating additional income, protecting against potential losses, profiting from significant price movements, or profiting from a range-bound market.

However, it is important to note that options trading involves significant risks, and investors should be aware of these risks before engaging in options trading. It is also important to have a solid understanding of options trading and the different strategies available before implementing them.

Investors should also consider factors such as market conditions, volatility, and the underlying asset’s price movements before selecting a particular strategy. As with any investment, diversification and risk management are critical, and investors should not rely on a single strategy for all their investment needs.

In summary, goal-based investing can be an effective approach to options trading, but investors should be prepared to put in the necessary research and analysis to choose the right strategy for their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

How to Leverage Options Trading to Build Wealth

When it comes to building wealth through trading, options trading offers a unique advantage over other forms of trading. Options trading allows traders to leverage their trades, which means they can control a large amount of stock with a relatively small investment. This leverage can help traders generate significant profits, but it also comes with increased risk. In this article, we will explore how to leverage options trading to build wealth while managing risk effectively.

What is leverage and how to use it to create wealth

Leverage can be a powerful tool for building wealth through options trading. However, it is important to use leverage wisely and understand the risks involved. Using the strategies described below, you can potentially increase your returns by managing risk effectively.

Leverage is one of the key advantages of options trading. Leverage allows traders to control a large amount of stock with a relatively small investment. This can magnify your returns, but it also increases your risk.

For example, let’s say you want to invest in a stock that is trading at $100 per share. You have $10,000 to invest, so you could buy 100 shares of the stock. However, with options trading, you could control 1,000 shares of the same stock for a fraction of the cost. This leverage allows you to potentially generate higher returns on your investment.

Options trading offers several different ways to leverage your trades. One of the most common ways to leverage your trades is through buying call options.

A call option gives you the right to buy a stock at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, for a set period of time. The cost of a call option is much lower than the cost of buying the underlying stock outright, which means you can control a large amount of stock with a relatively small investment.

For example, let’s say you want to invest in a stock that is trading at $100 per share. You could buy 100 shares of the stock for $10,000, or you could buy a call option for $500.

The call option gives you the right to buy 1,000 shares of the stock at a strike price of $105 per share for the next three months. If the stock price increases to $110 per share, your call option would be worth $5,000 ($110 – $105 = $5 x 1,000 shares = $5,000). This represents a 900% return on your investment ($5,000 / $500 = 900%).

Another way to leverage your trades is through selling put options.

A put option gives you the right to sell a stock at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, for a set period of time. When you sell a put option, you are betting that the stock price will not fall below the strike price. If the stock price stays above the strike price, you get to keep the premium you received for selling the put option.

For example, let’s say you want to invest in a stock that is trading at $100 per share. You could sell a put option with a strike price of $90 for $1 per share. If the stock price stays above $90, you get to keep the $1 premium. If the stock price falls below $90, you would be obligated to buy the stock at $90 per share. However, since you received $1 for selling the put option, your effective purchase price would be $89 per share.

It is important to remember that leverage works both ways.

While leverage can magnify your returns, it can also magnify your losses. It is important to use leverage wisely and only trade with money that you can afford to lose. Always have a stop-loss in place to limit your losses and manage your risk effectively. With the right approach, leverage can be a powerful tool for building wealth through options trading.

Here are some additional ways you can use leverage in options trading to increase your wealth:

Trading on margin: Trading on margin allows you to borrow money from your broker to buy stocks or options. This increases your buying power and allows you to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. However, trading on margin is a double-edged sword as it can magnify your losses as well as your gains. You should be careful when using margin and make sure you have a solid understanding of the risks involved.

Writing covered calls: Writing covered calls is a popular options trading strategy that allows you to generate income while holding a stock. When you write a covered call, you sell a call option against a stock that you own. This allows you to generate income from the premium you receive for selling the option. If the stock price stays below the strike price, you get to keep the premium and the stock. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the buyer of the call option can exercise their right to buy the stock from you at the strike price. In this case, you still make a profit because you receive the premium plus the profit from the sale of the stock.

Trading options spreads: Options spreads are options trading strategies that involve buying and selling multiple options at the same time. Trading options spreads can be a way to limit your risk and increase your potential returns. One popular options spread strategy is the credit spread, which involves selling an option with a higher strike price and buying an option with a lower strike price. The premium received from selling the option with the higher strike price can help offset the cost of buying the option with the lower strike price. If the stock price stays below the strike price of the sold option, you get to keep the premium and the spread expires worthless. If the stock price rises above the strike price of the sold option, you may have to buy back the sold option at a higher price. However, you can still make a profit if the premium you received for selling the option is greater than the cost of buying back the option.

Using options as a hedge: Options can be used as a hedge against potential losses in a stock or portfolio. For example, if you own a stock that you believe may experience a short-term decline, you can buy a put option to protect against potential losses. If the stock price falls, the put option will increase in value and offset some or all of your losses. Alternatively, you can use options to hedge against currency fluctuations or changes in interest rates.

How to leverage options trading managing risk effectively

Options trading can be a powerful tool for building wealth, but it is important to use leverage wisely and manage your risk effectively. By understanding your risk tolerance, identifying your trading style, and staying disciplined, you can build a successful options trading portfolio. Remember to stay up-to-date on market trends and news, diversify your portfolio, and always have a stop-loss in place to limit your losses. With the right approach, options trading can help you achieve your investment goals and build long-term wealth.

Understand Your Risk Tolerance

Before you start trading options, it is important to understand your risk tolerance. Options trading can be highly volatile, and it is not uncommon for traders to experience large swings in their account balance. Before you start trading, it is important to determine how much risk you are comfortable with. This will help you set realistic expectations and avoid making impulsive trades based on emotions.

Identify Your Trading Style

Once you understand your risk tolerance, you can start identifying your trading style. There are many different options trading strategies, each with its own unique advantages and risks. Some traders prefer to buy options outright, while others prefer to sell options to generate income. Some traders prefer to trade short-term options, while others prefer to trade longer-term options. It is important to find a trading style that aligns with your risk tolerance and investment goals.

Use Leverage Wisely

One of the primary advantages of options trading is the ability to leverage your trades. This means you can control a large amount of stock with a relatively small investment. However, leverage also increases your risk. It is important to use leverage wisely and only trade with money that you can afford to lose. Avoid over-leveraging your trades and always have a stop-loss in place to limit your losses.

Manage Your Risk

Managing your risk is critical when it comes to options trading. One way to manage your risk is to diversify your portfolio. This means investing in a variety of options across different stocks and industries. Diversification can help spread your risk and minimize the impact of any one stock or industry on your portfolio.

Another way to manage your risk is to use stop-loss orders. A stop-loss order is an order to sell a stock when it reaches a certain price. This can help limit your losses and prevent you from holding onto a losing trade for too long.

Finally, it is important to monitor your portfolio regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Options trading is a dynamic and ever-changing market, and it is important to stay up-to-date on market trends and news that could impact your portfolio.

Stay Disciplined

Discipline is key when it comes to options trading. It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of the market and make impulsive trades based on emotions. However, impulsive trades can lead to significant losses. To be successful in options trading, it is important to stay disciplined and stick to your trading plan. This means avoiding emotional trades and making decisions based on solid research and analysis.

Do Your Research

To be successful in options trading, it is important to do your research. This means staying up-to-date on market trends and news that could impact your portfolio. It also means conducting thorough research on the companies you are trading options on. This includes analyzing their financial statements, understanding their competitive landscape, and keeping an eye on any potential regulatory or legal risks.