Building Portfolio

The ideal portfolio should contain between 25 and 30 different securities. This is the perfect way of ensuring that the risk levels are drastically reduced and the only expected outcomes are profitability.  Diversification is a popular strategy that is used…

Passive Income

There are, broadly speaking, two ways of making money. The first is to exchange your time for money and the second is to exchange your money for money. The first way is to undertake something like a job or to…

Technical Analysis

No matter the kind of vehicle you choose for your actions, there are some basics that you have to be familiar with. This fundamental knowledge is mostly connected to the behavior of the markets. If you learn how to recognize…

Beginners Common Mistakes

Options trading is an entirely different animal as compared to standard stock market investing. Let’s think for a moment about the conventional wisdom that is dispensed concerning stock market investing. The general idea is to buy and hold, keeping your…